Shut down IMA service on both servers, copy over mf20.mdb and mf20.dsn to new server.
run dsmaint config on new server – dsmaint config /dsn:"C:\Program Files\Citrix\Independent Management Architecture\MF20.dsn"
run dsmaint failover on all the other servers. (dsmaint failover ctx02)
Change the original host server to its new role as an indirect server (it will now access the data store indirectly through the new host server) by running the Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe) and changing the value of the following registry key from Imaaccess.dll to Imaodbc.dll:
Note: If you are performing these steps with a Feature Release 3 farm, the previous step is no longer necessary. With a Feature Release 3 server, running the command “dsmaint failover new_direct_servername” on the original host server removes the value in the registry. Feature Release 3 no longer uses the value Imaodbc.dll for indirect servers.
Stop and restart the IMA service on the new host server.
When the IMA service on the new host server is running, stop and restart the IMA service on all of the other servers in the farm.