Download Microsoft Exchange Server Public Folder DAV-based Administration (PFDAVAdmin) tool from Microsoft Website
Recover a deleted public folder (note: to recover public folders run PFDAVAdmin from a machine OTHER than the Exchange server)
1. Move to the PFDAVAdmin folder, and then double-click the PFDAVAdmin.exe file.
2. On the File menu, click Connect.
3. In the Exchange server box, type the name of the Exchange server to which you want to connect.
4. In the Global Catalog box, type the name of the global catalog server.
5. If it is required, click to clear the Authenticate as currently logged-on user check box. Type an appropriate user name, password, and domain in the respective boxes.
6. In the Connection area, click Public Folders, and then click OK.
7. Expand Public Folders, and then click the parent folder of the deleted folder.
8. Right-click the parent folder, and then click Show deleted subfolders. The deleted subfolder is shown in red.
9. Right-click the subfolder, and then click Recover folder.
10. Click OK to acknowledge the Recovery succeeded message. The recovered folder name appears as Folder_Name Recovered.
11. Test access to the folder by using an e-mail client.
12. In Exchange System Manager, right-click the recovered folder, and then rename the folder.
Recover a deleted item
1. In PFDAVAdmin, open the folder that contains the deleted item.
2. Click the Items tab, and then click Deleted items.
3. Right-click the item that you want to recover, and then click Recover items.
4. Click OK to acknowledge the Recovering these items message.