For Peachtree 2007:
1. Locate the config.ini in C:\Program Files\Sage Software\Peachtree\Company. Double left click to Edit the file. Change the line that reads DontShowPEPInvites=FALSE to DontShowPEPInvites=TRUE. Close and save the file.
2. Use regedit and locate the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Peachtree\Peachtree Quantum Accountants' Edition\14\One Time Messages. Find the key DeclineFutureSurvey and change the value from 0 to 1. Select OK to accept the key. Exit the registry.
3. Reboot your machine.
For Peachtree 2008:
1. Locate the config.ini in C:\Program Files\Sage Software\Peachtree\Company. Double left click to Edit the file. Change the line that reads DontShowPEPInvites=FALSE to DontShowPEPInvites=TRUE. Close and save the file.
2. Use regedit and locate the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Peachtree\Peachtree Quantum Accountants' Edition\15\One Time Messages. Find the key DeclineFutureSurvey and change the value from 0 to 1. Select OK to accept the key. Exit the registry.
3. Reboot your machine.