How to use the Microsoft User State Migration Tool

The Microsoft User State Migration Tool is designed to facilitate moving a user's profile and user settings from one machine to another.

It can be used with the following Operating Systems:

Source system: Microsoft Windows 2000, Microsoft Windows XP or Microsoft Windows Vista.

Destination system: Microsoft Windows XP or Microsoft Windows Vista.

The Microsoft User State Migration Tool can be downloaded from:

How To Migrate User Accounts
By default all users are migrated. The only way to specify which users to include and exclude is on the command line using the User options. You cannot specify users in the migration .xml files or using Config.xml.

To migrate all user accounts and user settings
Log on to the source computer as an administrator, and specify:
scanstate \\fileserver\migration\mystore /i:miguser.xml /i:migapp.xml /o

Log on to the destination computer as an administrator.

Do one of the following:

If you are migrating domain accounts, specify:
loadstate \\fileserver\migration\mystore /i:miguser.xml /i:migapp.xml

If you are migrating local accounts along with domain accounts, specify:
loadstate \\fileserver\migration\mystore /i:miguser.xml /i:migapp.xml /lac /lae
You do not have to specify /lae. This option enables the account that was created with /lac. Instead, you can create a disabled local account by only specifying /lac, but then a local administrator will need to enable the account on the destination computer.

To migrate two domain accounts (User1 and User2)
Log on to the source computer as an administrator, and specify:
scanstate \\fileserver\migration\mystore /ue:*\* /ui:domain1\user1 /ui:domain2\user2 /i:miguser.xml /i:migapp.xml /o

Log on to the destination computer as an administrator.

Specify the following:
loadstate \\fileserver\migration\mystore /i:miguser.xml /i:migapp.xml

To migrate two domain accounts (User1 and User2) and move User1 from the FarEast domain to the FarWest domain
Log on to the source computer as an administrator, and specify:
scanstate \\fileserver\migration\mystore /ue:*\* /ui:fareast\user1 /ui:fareast\user2 /i:miguser.xml /i:migapp.xml /o

Log on to the destination computer as an administrator.

Specify the following:
loadstate \\fileserver\migration\mystore /mu:fareast\user1:farwest\user2 /i:miguser.xml /i:migapp.xml

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