Event ID 20000 Blackberry Controller [CFG] Controller won't generate userdump files. Userdump.exe not found.

Log: Application
Type: Warning
Event: 20000
Agent Time: xxx
Event Time: xxx
Source: BlackBerry Controller
Category: None
Username: N/A
Computer: xxx
Description: [CFG] Controller won't generate userdump files. Userdump.exe not found.

Download and install the Microsoft User Mode Process Dumper 8.1 utility - userdump.exe from Microsoft Download Center onto the BlackBerry Server.

NOTE: unzipping does not install this utility. Once unzipped, navicate to the C:\kktools directory and run the setup program.

If the BlackBerry server is running Windows 64-bit Operating System,
manually point the UserdumpPath registry key to the C:\kktools by modifying the following registry entry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\Controller

Reg_SZ: UserdumpPath

Value: C:\kktools\userdump8.1\x64

If userdump8.1 is installed already and encountering this error on a 32 bit Windows Operating system. manually point the UserdumpPath with the following registry entry:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Research In Motion\BlackBerry Enterprise Server\Controller

Reg_SZ: UserdumpPath

Value: C:\kktools\userdump8.1\x86

Source: http://www.blackberry.com/btsc/search.do?cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&externalId=KB14472