Citrix Reporting Service is only available on Enterprise version and requires SQL (MSDE is supported)
On the SQL server
Open enterprise manager
Create a database (name it Citrix_Summary_Database)
Log into a Citrix server and open up the Administrative Tools - “ODBC - Data Sources”
Click on the System DSN tab, and click Add.
Select SQL Server from the list and click Finish.
For Name, enter rmsummarydatabase. You must enter this name exactly.
Chose whatever you want for the description, and select or enter the servername of your SQL server. Click Next.
Ensure that “With Windows NT authentication using the network logon id” is selected and click Next.
Change the default master database to Citrix_Summary_Database and click Next.
Verify the information on this screen and click Finish.
Test the data source, then click OK. You can close ODBC.
Start up Citrix Management Console, select Resource Manager from the left-hand pane.
Click on the Summary Database tab, then on the Configure button.
Check the “Summary Database enabled” box.
Select the server name of the main server (since this is the first time configuring the summary database, it will be this server).
For User, enter the same username used for the IMA data store. It must be in domain\username format.
Enter the password for the user, and change any other settings you would like.
Click Test to verify.
Close the Configure window and review the statuses displayed.
If everything shows working status, you are now able to generate reports from the Reports tab.