use the ADSIEdit utility to manually stop the Exchange System Manager from using SSL.
The steps are as follows:
1) Install the ADSIEdit Utility (one of the Windows Server 2003 Support tools) from your SBS2003 CD (CD2) using suptools.msi
2) Run a Microsoft Management console (Start->Run->MMC)
3) Open the ADSIedit.msc (browse to the Support Tools folder)
4) Browse through to
Configuration > Services > Microsoft Exchange > Domain Name > Administrative Groups > First Administrative Group > Servers > Servername > Protocols > HTTP > 1 > Exadmin
5) Right click msExchSecureBindings, and click Properties
6) Highlight :443: and click Remove
7) Click OK Restart the Exchange System Attendant and the IIS Admin service
Exchange system manager will now no longer try to use SSL when connecting to the service.