How to Resolve Event ID 4004 Source: CitrixHealthMon

Log: Application
Type: Error
Event: 4004
Source: CitrixHealthMon
Category: None
Username: N/A
Description: The file C:\Program Files\Citrix\HealthMon\Tests\Citrix\IMATest.exe does not have the correct permissions. In SDDL, the expected ACL was...

The files placed in the test folder should have inheritable permissions turned on so that the files have full control access for the Administrators group, Read and Execute access for the Local Service user account, and the owner will be the Administrators group.

Verify that the folder c:\Program Files\Citrix\HealthMon\Tests\Citrix has the following security settings:
Local Administrators Group – Full Control
Local Service – Read and Execute

Verify that Owner is set to local Administrators group

restart Citrix Health Monitoring and Recovery Service
