SCCM Configuration Manager: Hardware Inventory not updating – MissingSystemClass Top Level Group Not Found

SCCM Configuration Manager: Hardware Inventory not updating – MissingSystemClass Top Level Group Not Found


Device Collections built on installed software not updating

Asset Intelligence Inventoried Software not updating


Evaluating InventoryAgent.log on the client showed no errors
MP_Hinv.log showed no errors

Evaluating dataldr.log on the Site Server revealed the following errors:
Top Level group not found; expected group with the same name as the architecture (System)
Cannot process MIF xxxxxxxx.MIF, moving it to E:\Program Files\Microsoft Configuration Manager\inboxes\auth\\BADMIFS\MissingSystemClass\xxxxxx.MIF

Evaluating the MIF file, we found that under the heading Start Group, the Class entry showed “Microsoft | Workstation_Status|1.0” instead of showing “SYSTEM”.

Initially, we assumed this was caused by an error in the WMI repository on the client, so we rebuilt the WMI repository by issuing the command:
Winmgmt /resetrepository

This wiped out all of the information displayed in the Configuration Manager Client

We then uninstalled the client
CCMSetup.exe /uninstall
and reinstalled it

Once the client install completed, we initiated a hardware scan. Within 15 minutes or so, the Hardware scan date in the Configuration Manager updated and all related software inventory information for the client was updated.

Further testing revealed that rebuilding the WMI repository was unnecessary, and simply uninstalling the Configuration Manager Client and reinstalling it resolved the issue


To resolve this across > 5,000 client machines, we created a package with the CCMsetup.exe program and deployed with the command: CCMSetup.exe /forceinstall 
which completes the uninstall/reinstall process in one step.