To Deploy Windows Metro Apps in Config Manager, first download the desired app
Open a browser and navigate to the Microsoft Store:
search and locate the desired app
copy the URL from the address bar without the #activetab=pivot:overviewtab
convert the link to the actual Microsoft Store item using the website
change the option RP to Retail then click the check markCreate a package in MECM console and distribute it with the app
Create a Task Sequence to Install the App
name: enable Client License ServiceCommand Line: cmd /c sc config ClipSVC start = auto
on the options tab check "continue on error"
name: Start Client License ServiceCommand Line: net start ClipSVC
on the options tab check "continue on error"
name: Enable Appx Deployment ServiceCommand Line: ncmd /c sc config AppxSVC start=auto
on the options tab check "continue on error"
name: Start Appx Deployment ServiceCommand Line: net start AppxSVC
on the options tab check "continue on error"
add Run Command Line
name: Copy App
Command Line: Xcopy ".\" "C:\Temp" /D /E /C /R /H /I /K /Y /Q
check the Package box
browse to the package created in the previous step
add Run Command Line
name: Install App
Command Line: cmd /c DISM.exe /Online /Add-ProvisionedAppxPackage /PackagePath:C:\Temp\package name downloaded in step one /SkipLicense
add Run Command Line
name: Clean Up
Command Line: cmd /c del /q c:\temp\package name downloaded in step one
Click OK